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Welcome to the TeamRO homepage. TeamRO comprises:

  • valued users of RemObjects Software technologies who help support other customers in our newsgroups
  • representatives from partner companies who assist with the integration with our products.

Membership of TeamRO is primarily by invitation but if you feel that you have something to offer or have questions about TeamRO, please send them to Mike Orriss (mikeo[at]


The following people are currently members of TeamRO:


Rich Bakos

Rich has been working in the IT field for more than 12 years. His experience includes network architecture, VoIP, system administration, database administration and application development. Rich is currently employed as an IT Manager for a national organization. His current role doesn't allow him to get his hands dirty as often as he would like. When Rich does find time for development his tool of choice is Delphi, which he uses to focus on providing Web based solutions.

You can reach Rich at richbakos[at]


Shloma Baum

Shloma has been working in the software development field for many years now. He has designed some powerful applications for several industries including Newspapers, Academic, Bank and Loan institutions. During the past 2 years he has established his own software company, which designs software for the service industries. In his spare time he likes to read and learn new technologies.

You can reach Shloma at shlomabaum[at]


Reinhold Erlacher

Reinhold has been working with Delphi since version 1. He started as a free lancer working on C.A.T.I.-Systems. Later on he worked for several companies where he was involved in the development of medical and commercial systems. His favorite tools are Delphi, MSSQL and the RemObjects products.
Reinhold owns a small company that specializes in resource management software. He resides in Italy, is married to Barbara and in his spare time he likes running, watching a good movie and having a coffee with friends.

You can reach Reinhold at reinholderlacher[at]


Bernhard Fischer

Bernhard began to write his first computer programs for the building industry in the late 80's. In the 90's he made software his profession and searched for contracts: billing software for a major European mobile phone provider on VAX / VMS, plan management systems for construction management on Windows PC, funds trading software on HP servers, to name just a few. He says that he always brims over with enthusiasm for new technologies, high quality products and tools aiding in creativity - like the RemObjects software products.

You can reach Bernhard at bernhardfischer[at]


Robert Giesecke

You can reach Robert at robertgiesecke[at]


Brian Moelk

Brian has been programming for the majority of his life. He began his formal training with Turbo Pascal and has been working with Delphi since it first came out. Since then, he's been a part of two start-ups in the Washington DC area coding Delphi, C++ and Java. Currently, he works as a government consultant for TCDI and runs his own company BrainEndeavor LLC.

He cannot conceive of doing anything other than crafting great code and helping companies use technology effectively. He enjoys cycling, soccer, movies, music and being in the moment.

You can reach Brian at brianmoelk[at]


Erick Sasse

Erick has been a developer since 1991, when he started using Basic in his MSX. After that, he moved to dBase, Clipper, Delphi (his primary tool), PHP, C#, etc. He likes to experiment with every technology he can.

He has been running his own software company (Cadena Sistemas) since 2000 and this provides business management solutions.

Erick was Born and lives in Americana, a small town near São Paulo, Brazil. He is married and has one son.

You can reach Erick at ericksasse[at]


Donald Shimoda

I started my romance with computers at 12 years old. My father bought me a TI 99/4A and my life changed totally. My first PC came when I was at 18 and I learned PASCAL and C at university.

Nowadays, I work as developer of products for other people. My areas of knowledge are Firebird/Interbase, Microsoft SQL and Oracle in DBs, Macromedia in design and PHP for web code and Object Pascal mainly for coding pc work.

I'm married and have two daughters. I like to walk with my dog, at least one hour every morning. Also, I like football as a good Argentinian, play tennis and enjoy music. I like to travel very much and thanks to my work, I can do it,knowing almost all of South America.

Finally, having used RO for 2 1/2 years I feel that it is the best available option in n-tier development. Being a user coming from another options (like a well in depth knowledge of ASTA), i feel the concepts behind RO products are unbeatable, without mentioning the level of support, to which I expect to contribute day after day.

You can reach Donald at donaldshimoda[at]


Jeroen Vandezande

Jeroen studied electronics but has always been interested in programming and computers. In 1993 he started working for a company that creates medical devices where he did PCB development.

After a while, more and more programming work came his way and now his work is a blend of electronics, firmware and software.

His programming started with Turbo Pascal and evolved to Delphi, but for the past two years all his new development has been done in Oxygene.

Jeroen lives in Leuven, a lively student town not far from Brussels, Belgium.

You can reach Jeroen at jeroenvandezande[at]


Nate Woolls

Nate Woolls was born in 1979 and currently resides in Portland, Maine. He has been developing in the software industry for over eight years, including work in both Delphi and .NET. He is currently VP of Technology Systems for Victory Technologies, a company based in Massachusetts that provides vehicle wiring and fit information to both independent mobile electronics retailers and larger mobile electronics companies such as Circuit City and Alpine. The majority of his work involves software architecture and development, database administration, and managing most technical aspects of the company.

When not working, Nate spends most of his time with his lovely fiancée and beautiful daughter.

You can reach Nate at natewoolls[at]